Week 7
Light and Scale
Revised paper model and depiction of light: Paper model demonstrating light path through louvred bedroom glass doors with an internal light source (1:50)
Photo model of bedroom rendition with an external light source (1:50)
Photo depicting final model with various light levels and angles:
Sun path light levels demonstration
Following my exploration of the relationship between light and the models, I then began construction on a humanoid figure in order to create a much clearer semblance of scale to the model and audience. Using balsa wood, I constructed three models, each at varying scales including; 1:50, 1:30, 1:20. By using three scales, I was able to use the models with each of my models, demonstrating the size and relationship between the rooms I had depicted and their inhabitants.
Experimental Rendition
Having explored the possible designs and modifications I decided to further explore the potential changes by bringing one possibility to life. Using white card and a scale of 1:20 I built a model depicting the addition of an exterior robe space, heightened ceilings, lengthened walls as well as the addition of folding glass doors, instead of the preexisting window. This change enables the room to be opened, creating an incredibly large space for just one room, resulting in a flowing path from inside to outside. However without significant blinds or louvers the room could suffer from an extreme loss of privacy.
CAD Autodesk Paper Model
CAD Autodesk Initial's Curvilinear Object
Following the weeks tutorials, I created a CAD curvilinear rendition of my Initials (H,J,C) in Autodesk Fusion 360
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